The “Open Arms Hug – Friends of Social Paediatrics and Medicine”
is a Non Profit Organization which has its headquarters
at Children’s Hospital P. & A. Kyriakou.

Identity and Mission

Open Arms Hug was founded in 1994 by a group of volunteers. Their goal was to create “a warm hug “ that will comfort all the nursing children who are suffering from chronic diseases.
Children and their families has welcomed our offer and their positive feedback has exceeded all our expectation.

Today, thanks to the contribution of our volunteers and the support of our Sponsors, the scope of Open Arms Hug has expanded into new fields of action with emphasis on prevention, education and social service.

Our Principal Focus Points are:

  • To support the nursing children and their families who are in the pediatric hospitals nationwide.
  • To staff with volunteers on a daily basis the play therapy programs at the Children’s Hospitals and Pediatric Departments.
  • To shield the physical and mental health of the population on the Greek borders (such as the Aegean Islands, the outermost regions of Thrace, etc.), through the Preventive Medicine Campaigns “We Stand For Life”.
  • To contribute to the improvement of Children’s Hospitals and Pediatric Departments across the country by offering modern machinery, renovations etc.
  • To support vulnerable social groups.

    We are proud of the distance we have come, and we keep looking upon the future full of strength and optimism.

We Stand For “LIFE”

We are all in this together, we GIVE A HUG to LIFE!