Only with your help, we will be able to open our arms wider.

You can help us grow.

Would you like to help us give more hugs? You can do so, when you:

Visit Our E-shop.

Purchase gifts and buy mugs or other products with pictures of paintings,
made by the children at the Visual Arts Lab of the Open Arms Hug Day Center

• Through your MasterCard / Visa card


Send an empty/ blank (no characters) SMS to 19840*

*Cost: € 2.50 (VAT included) – apart from mobile subscribers’ fee of 12%, 15%, 18% or 20% based on the bill. The charges are in addition to the monthly fixed or bundles packages.

Direct Deposit
You can donate to our organization by depositing any amount directly into our bank accounts. Please write “Dorea” on the note section.

PIRAEUS BANK GR6001710470006047040030806
ALPHA BANK GR7701401100110002002018 172

If you need any information or assistance,
feel free to contact us at +30 (210) 772-6814.